EDTECH 541 Relative Advantage Chart

Relative Advantage Chart
Tyler Keefe

For this assignment I will use 5th-Grade as my example, and all learning problems will be derived from the Idaho State Standards for 5th-Grade.

Learning Problems
Relative Advantage
Expected Outcomes
Language – Student cannot generate ideas using prewriting strategies.
  • Word Processing software
  • mind-mapping software
Student is able to see their ideas visually on the computer.  Software can also help them go from the prewriting stage to the draft stage. With the use of technology student will be able to generate their prewriting ideas.
Language – Student cannot write fluently or legibly in print or cursive.
  • Word Processing software
  • Voice recognition software and hardware
Typing/voice recognition tools will allow the student to be successful in their writing abilities. Student will be able to have a hard copy of their work.
Reading – Student cannot use a grade-level appropriate dictionary to find or confirm word meanings.
  • Online dictionary
  • Computer dictionary program
  • Internet search engine
  • spell-check
If a student does not know how to use a dictionary or is reluctant to learn, the use of online tools will help them to be successful. Student will be able to define words they may not already have an understanding for.
Reading – Student cannot describe the setting and tell how it supports the story.
  • Voice-over pictures reading of the story.
  • Movie based on the story.
Student will be able to visually see what the setting of the story is.  Granted it may not be from their imagination, but it will aid in the understanding of the story. Student will be able to describe the setting of the story and explain how it supports the story.
Math – Student cannot recall basic multiplication and division facts up to 10’s.
  • Online math intervention program
  • Math Video Games
  • Interactive flash cards
Through the use of math games or other interactive tools, the student may be more actively engaged in their learning of these math facts. Student will learn their math facts and have fun while learning them.
Math – Student cannot collect, organize and display data with appropriate notation in tables, charts, bar graphs, and line graphs.
  • Spreadsheet software, Excel
  • Online graphing tools
Student will be able to input data into the spreadsheet and through the use of the tools built in to the program be able to great the appropriate chart. Student will be able to display data in the appropriate notation.
Science – Student cannot compare and contrast the structural differences between plant and animal cells.
  • Visual representations
  • Internet resources
Through the use of technology, students will be able to visual see the different parts of the plant and animal cells.  They could even take quizzes or label the different parts of the cell. Student will be able to explain the differences and similarities of a plant and animal cell.
Science – Student cannot explain the rock cycle and identify the three classifications of rock.
  • Videos describing the rock cycle
  • interactive web quests
For the student that may not be able to organize their thoughts easily, these online tools will be able to walk them through the rock cycle visually.  Also, it will give them visuals on the different types of rock. Student will be able to describe the rock cycle and identify the three classifications of rock.
Social Studies – Student cannot name the president or vice president of the United States.
  • US government website
  • Internet search engine
If the student does not already know this information, they could perform an easy web search to locate the information. Student will learn more about their country and the leaders of it.
Social Studies – Student cannot define the terms treaty, reservation, or sovereignty.
  • Online dictionary
  • search engine
  • computer dictionary program
If a student does not know how to use a dictionary or is reluctant to learn, the use of online tools will help them to be successful. Student will be able to define treaty, reservation, and sovereignty.

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